I use free software and I purchase...

I use free software and I purchase thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment. I want open formats so that I may use my photos as I see fit, without having to use a different operating systems or tools that don't fit my needs.

I'm willing to sell my camera gear at a loss to support a company that supports an entirely open RAW format. If that company was also to release free/open source software, I would be very happy.

I buy the camera to capture images, not to be captured in someone elses DRM nightmare over my intellectual property.

Jacob Appelbaum – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 12:38pm

Would you buy a $1200 film camera if the film it used could...

Would you buy a $1200 film camera if the film it used could only be developed by the manufacturer? What if the manufacturer goes out of business or changes formats? I've already had trouble converting RAW files only a few years old, forcing me to use older software. With digital information, that sort of thing will happen sooner than you think. That's why keeping your creations in an open and portable format is essential.

avidd – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 3:59pm