as time passes, and companies go (bye...

as time passes, and companies go (bye bye Contax, Bronica....) legacy images will no longer be accessable as software improves and drops less popular formats.

Imagine if Ansel Adams landscapes were in an early format (10"x8") and were lost to future generations.... Sorry, we cannot print any more Cartier Bressons - his first prints have faded and we can't open the files!!!

It takes a meg corp like Adobe to push forward a standard with DNG - and as soon as companies give you an option to save within that format (3 cheers to Hasselblad!!!) the workflow becommes much better.

All we need now are some DVD & CD companies that will make truly archival discs.....

I'm told that the BBC archive their video onto B&W film as it's the only proven archival medium.

If a universal stardard is created - hopefully DNG, 3rd party software developers only have to support these and not the multitude of conflicting formats.

Come on Canon, Nikon etc al - we don't want a Mac V PC or Betamax V VHS battle. Keep your own formats if you wish - just give us, the end users the choice of a universal format at the camera level!

David Clark – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 4:36pm