Few consumers are aware that RAW even...

Few consumers are aware that RAW even exists, much less the fact that using it provides MANY MORE "fixable quality features" such as reduced noise, greater dynamic range, etc. Advertising this would increase sales of "higher end" digital cameras.

Louis Sacks – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 9:40am

"Advertising this would increase sales of "higher end"...

"Advertising this would increase sales of "higher end" digital cameras" - yes, and that is what is puzzling about the attitude of the camera manufacturers.

Surely RAW is one of the things that will most reveal the advantage of the top-end cameras. And surely ease of using Raw, and confidence in Raw, will cause more people to use it. All those Raw processors out there that photographers want to use are making those cameras look better, and worth the money.

So why do some manufacturers not see Photoshop and others as their best friends? If any s/w developer can squeeze a bit more out of a D2X that Nikon s/w can, doesn't that make the D2X look even more attractive? You would think that they would be begging the s/w suppliers to exploit every special feature of the Raw formats!


Barry Pearson – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 11:01am