the camera I currently own, although...

the camera I currently own, although only 3 years old, is not fully supported by some software. I have old film cameras that are still usable today. Why not the same for digital?

Tony Spadafora – Sun, 2005/05/29 – 9:34am

Cameras, like computers, have entered the world of 8-track...

Cameras, like computers, have entered the world of 8-track tapes. Since they are now computers, they will half-life like computers more than likely. It's just the nature of the beast.

There are a lot of pieces of software that will not run on older operating systems. Photoshop CS is one example. I guess we are to keep a closet full of goodies to access old stuff.

CDs (and soon DVD) are heading there. SAVE an old reader in the closet. When blue ray burners get established and cheap, the others will go quickly.

Seth Rossman – Mon, 2005/05/30 – 8:32am