Since 1982 I'm working in IT and saw...

Since 1982 I'm working in IT and saw all
different standards come and go. They
mostly have been only compatible with
them self and were not interchangeable to
a lot other existing standards in that
time. I really won't like it to see this
happen (with information I retain) out of
what reason ever.

An "OpenRAW" standard would provide more
security for everyone of us. Why should
we give this away? Just because it would
also imply easier change of future camera
systems and companies would not like losing
customers / money?

What will happen to our all knowledge in the
future when we wil not be able to access our
own data / photos anymore? Or worse - we would
have to pay for accessing OUR OWN stuff?!?


Dag B. Oestreich – Wed, 2005/05/25 – 9:02am