I own Nikon Capture 4. It allows me to...

I own Nikon Capture 4. It allows me to convert files from my 10.5 f2.8 Nikkor to a rectilinear format and to download direct to my laptop. Anyone who is serious will have Capture.
For workflow I use DNG and PS CS in general and Rawshooter essentials (with DNGs) when I need the best sharpening tools.

I use what works for me and I like to have that choice. I also worry that if Nikon keeps responding with cameras like the D70s which is basically a $150 fimware upgrade they may not be around forever. That would leave me with a $6100 Canadian unsupported box.

Nikon didn't tell me what film to use and as a now retired pro who used Nikons for 40 years I would like the respect to choose which software works for me.

If Nikon software solves a problem for me or works best I will use it.
If not I want to be able to use what does. After 40 years and a truckload of money I'm beginning to look at Canon.

PS. If Nikon is missing anything from their Museum I may have it.

Thanks for the site.

Paul Clancy – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 4:59pm

Don't Bother With Canon, they too have issues with their raw...

Don't Bother With Canon, they too have issues with their raw suport. Their import Application is terribly designed and a pain to use: They use the Mystery Meat Navigation No-No.

Jacob AA Alifrangis – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 5:04pm

There may be a problem with the Canon RAw, but so what? I...

There may be a problem with the Canon RAw, but so what? I just convert it to DNG and use photoshop. Why should we expect a camera company to make good software?I wold rather rely on a software company for that.
The problem with Nikon is that you need Nikon software (which you have to pay extra for) in order to get the best out of their RAW format, just because Adobe are scared of Nikon sueing them if they make the DNG convertor work with Nikon RAW.
The data that is incripted is in my view belongs to the photographer and not the manufacture of the camera. I believe that Nikon are breeching their users copy write by not allowing owners of their cameras acess to that data.
Me, I use Canon and don't have that problem.
I see that nikon now claim that Nikon owners no longer need photoshop! It seems that Nikon are entering the software buisness, see how long they last.

Pete Marshall – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 5:15pm