Legal issues

Sorry if this has already been pondered, but...

If I take a photo in RAW format, the copyright for that image belongs to me. If the 'RAW' format of that camera is patented, I would assume that the 'purchase price' of the camera acts as license for me to use that patented technology for it's intended purpose, ie: to take photos in that format and process as I see fit.

Now - if the camera manufacturer encrypts that data, then aren't they preventing me from manipulating or accessing my own copyrighted material - material that I created, and that I own the rights to? Surely the DMCA and ESPA cannot be enforced when you are trying to access your own copyright material?

Secondly, in the UK at least, if you purchase a camera with the intention of manipulating the 16 bit 'RAW' images later in photoshop (and as long as you make this clear when you purchase the camera), and the manufacturer has encrypted the RAW data in any way that makes it inaccessible - then the camera is unfit for it's intended purpose and you are within your rights to a refund, due to a breach of contract (which is why you would have to make it perfectly clear that you want to have full unencrypted access to the RAW data, at the time you make your purchase, as this forms part of the contract).

So - Either don't buy cameras that state they have limited RAW access, or demand a refund on cameras that you subsequently discover have blocked your access.

I honestly don't believe manufacturers will be too fussed until the distributors start complaining that retailers are sending stock back... after all, manufacturers get their money from the distibrutors, whether or not the camera sells in the shop... it's when the distibrutors and retailers stop buying the cameras in that they'll really sit up and listen.

Good luck with the campaign. I personally hope DNG will become the defacto RAW.



junction10 – Fri, 2006/04/14 – 12:27am

Adobe has an openly

Adobe has an openly documented RAW format that is quite good. They also have a converter that'll import RAW files and convert to DNG, allowing you to imbed the original file in the DNG file, although at he cost of increased file size.

danag42 – Sun, 2006/09/17 – 10:53am

Your pictures are yours

Your pictures are yours encrypted or not here in the U.S. You are licensed to use the format on purchase.

michaelinfinity – Sat, 2006/09/23 – 3:58pm