I am very concerned about the direction...

I am very concerned about the direction of the RAW format as more and more photographers, professional and amateurs alike, turn to RAW to maximize their digital photography

Photographers need to have a reliable RAW format to insure future access and use of digital images created today. For example, we have just seen where Canons latest software will not be supporting the D30 which begs the questions, in 50 years will we still have access to RAW images created with today's latest and greatest cameras like the D2X or D1s Mk II? We also need to know with confidence that "day to day" use of these image files such as simple IPTC captioning will not render them ruined due to minor future amendments of the RAW file format when new cameras are developed.

An Open Raw format developed with the cooperation of all parties involved, camera manufacturers, software Developers and users, is needed now. We are still at the birth of the Digital Photography revolution and still have time to standardize and secure this important format for the future.

Don Crawford – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 11:49am