All of the issues contained in this...

All of the issues contained in this debate pale before the issue of who owns the image data. It is certainly not the manufacturer of the tool (camera) any more than the images of Da Vinci are owned by the manufacturer of the canvas or paints that he used.

If the issue is royalties to support the investments of the camera manufacturers, then do it through licensing to the third party manufacturers of image processing software e.g. Adobe and Phase One. I for one would be happy to pay a percentage of my list price to support this.

The key issue is never to support an environment whereby a captive piece of software is mandated by the original camera manufacturer denying data altogether. This is simply 19th century approaches being levied onto a 21st century issue.

Please, let sensible heads prevail. Otherwise let's go back to film!!!

woody spedden – Fri, 2005/06/10 – 8:29pm