Dear Camera Maker, I want to have NO...

Dear Camera Maker,

I want to have NO RESTRICTIONS to MY OWN images!

With film, I can do whatever I want with my slides and my negative frames.
For digital photography to mature, I want to do the same with my RAW files!
What if I want to use a "different" operating system, like Linux?
What if I want to use a "different" hardware, like a Sun workstation?
What if I don't like at all the performances and user interface of your raw converter?

And, most important of all:

What if I want to process MY OWN images in 2040, when maybe you won't even exist anymore, or won't build cameras (and support them) anymore, or whatever?

Either publish your RAW format specifications or, even better, adopt a universal, standard RAW format, be it DNG or a new one.

Fernando Carello – Thu, 2005/06/09 – 4:04pm