Now I'm still using nikon capture 421...

Now I'm still using nikon capture 421 with the d2x for my raw images (I'm using this since version 1 with the d1) I think it's very good for getting the best quality out of my nikon nef files. But i hate it for it's speed and bugs.....I never have used any software wich is written so terribly bad as this one.... I need the quality and possibilities of nikon capture, together with the ease of use of software like photoshop. I think we need the possibility to open these files together with the corrections made in the camera, in nikon capture or in any software we like, maybe not a "sidecar file" but attached in the header orso.

Maybe this is not the right place, but i need to flame/blame nikon for it's terrible bad written software.... why not making the camera's a bit more expensive (1 or 2%from the price of the camera) hire some GOOD software engineers en deliver the camera together with DECENT software.....

Willem Kuijpers – Mon, 2005/05/30 – 5:24pm