I have been working with computer based...

I have been working with computer based technologies for over 10 years and the wide spread increase of compatible formats has allowed for many improvements in system capabilities. By having these compatibilities freely available allows for individuals and companies to focus on making systems and software more functional and a longer shelf life of usability. This is a great advantage to the user community and helps to bring about more innovative ideas by allowing more people to work with the technologies. Camera RAW is a format that needs to be universal. We want to be able to utilize many different tools and technologies to further our ability to work with the photographs we take and utilize the technologies to spend more time on the creative process. By having separate or restricted RAW formats you limit the options available for working with photos and hence limit the creative process. There are plenty of other ways to increase revenue and drive users to purchase new technologies by creating better hardware and software with which to utilize the RAW format. Do you remember the days when one media or file type could not be used with another application or system. Not that everything is perfect now, but it is getting better, lets not go backward now.

Timothy Taylor ... – Wed, 2005/05/25 – 8:19am