Just like 35mm and other standards, it...

Just like 35mm and other standards, it would provide files that could be used easily for many years to come, regardless of changes in technology. Digital cameras are more like computers than ever - having worked in the computer business for 10 years, I have seen technologies come and go. Many once-great technologies are now obsolete. But the computer industry has tried very hard to create standards whenever possible, to avoid chaos. Adobe has attempted to do the same thing for digital imaging with its DNG format - they know from experience how important standardardization is. Please, Nikon (I am a Nikon user, by the way - at least for a while), Canon, Olympus, and all the others - sell your products based on their merits, not on some tricky encryption algorithm or proprietary RAW format. I am very likely to switch to a different system if some manufacturer has the foresight to back an open standard.

James R. Meyer – Tue, 2005/05/24 – 1:42pm