About the importance of keeping RAW data...

About the importance of keeping RAW data.

Here is a BBC article called Reworked images reveal hot Venus

Some quotes:

Between 1975 and 1981 Soviet probes landed on Venus 10 times.
For years, scientists have paid little attention to the pictures. Indeed, the images were usually only available as low-quality photographs in books.
As part of a study of the Soviet exploration of Venus, Don Mitchell obtained the original digital data from the first probes that touched down, Veneras 9 and 10.
He used up-to-date digital processing techniques on the raw data from those spacecraft, as well as from subsequent Veneras.
"I took the raw data and carried out processes such as sharpening, recalibrating and compensating for blurring," he said.
The results are a dramatic improvement on the images previously released from Veneras 9 and 10.

Juergen Specht – Fri, 2005/05/20 – 2:54am