Proprietary, closed or encrypted RAW...

Proprietary, closed or encrypted RAW file formats are designed to allow camera manufacturers' unfair competition against creative software professionals.

Most of the bundled RAW processing software is of a sub-mediocre quality despite manufactures’ claims.

The trend to encrypt parts or entire RAW file is alarming at least.

I don’t think the community can rely on the manufacturers’ good will asking them to open their formats. It is unlikely that manufacturers will let go the control upon formats any time soon, because it will take away a good share of the market to where it belongs – to a free market.

It seems that legal action can be faster way of achieving the results. I believe that California's new definition of Unfair Competition can be successfully applied here:

- Oleg

Oleg Tsvinev – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 8:44pm