My pictures are critically important to...

My pictures are critically important to me personally and professionally. I have invested well over $10,000 in digital photo equiment, just recently, and will likely continue to do so. The encryption of any aspect of my pictures that makes them unavailable to me in anyway or makes them unavailable for use with whatever software tools are considered to be the best by me, is the equivalent of bait and switch. No manufacturer (I use primarily Nikon equipment) has ever told me upfront that there would be any limitations on my use of the digital files I create from MY camera. Failure to make digital formats open and secure in regards to future use is an unethical business practice. My future purchase decisions will be driven by manufacturers policys. I will, for example, never spend a penny more for any Nikon software, and I am considering whether I want to stay with Nikon equipment based on their response to this issue

David Stefan – Mon, 2005/04/25 – 7:38pm